
How to Streamline Processes at an Ad Agency

Most people are under the impression that ad agencies play it fast and loose with their routines and regulations. This, however, is far from the truth. While creativity is often at the centre of any agency and the campaigns that it is involved, a great deal of structure is required. This is the only way to ensure that ideas are properly constructed, that deadlines are reached, and that the clients are reached on time. Of course, if you are in the ad businesses, you know just how difficult it can be to actually ensure that all of this takes place. So, to make this simpler for you, here is what you need to know:

Use Technology to Your Benefit

If you don’t take anything else away from this article, you should focus on this point at least – use technology wisely. These days, there are a number of software available to ad agencies all attempting to make it easier for you to organise the various processes in place. Now, it is up to you to decide what type of tech you actually want to utilise. It should preferably address a weak spot in the company. For instance, if you find that one of your main issues is getting approval from clients on campaigns, look to an approval management software. This way, you will be able to ensure that the clients are able to give you the go-ahead in a timely manner so that everything can proceed on time.

Find a Way for Departments to Communicate Quickly and Effortlessly

At the end of the day, you know that a campaign is the result of multiple people and departments working together. So, it makes sense to find a way for these departments to communicate with one another. This can reduce mistakes and ensure that changes are made in a timely fashion. Once more, technology and software will prove to be the best solution to provide you with a platform that actually works.

Have a System and Stick to It

It is quite possible that in the beginning you attempted to maintain some form of law and order by establishing a set of guidelines that needed to be followed. Nonetheless, if these didn’t really match the tone or the pace of the agency, then it is quite likely that they fell by the wayside. Well, it is time to dust these guidelines off and take a look at them again. Look at the processes that you wanted to implement and identify why they may have failed. Then, come up with newer, more relevant procedures to follow. The important thing to keep in mind is that once these practices have been set up, they have to be followed by everyone, to the letter.

Create Templates for Common Tasks

There are some things that have to be done by all ad men and women. So, to cut down on confusion and varied results, you should consider creating a template. This way, everyone will simply be able to refer to and use this when that particular task comes up. Take, pitches via presentations, for instance. Oftentimes, simply setting up a presentation program that has logos, colour schemes, and other slide particulars can make people’s jobs a lot easier. Not to mention, you are able to project a more organised and united front with your clients.

It may take some time before your processes are completely organised and running smoothly. However, eventually, you will be able to see the difference.