
You Can Do More For Your Car With A Loan

Thought about taking out a car loan? Even if you’re not planning to get behind the wheel of a whole new vehicle, it’s worth considering it. The right loan product can help you fix those niggling problems and complaints that – while aren’t deal breakers – get in the way of you enjoying your morning commute and Sunday drives as much as you could.

If you’ve never thought about what a little bit of extra cash towards your car could achieve, let us give you a few ideas. Read on and maybe find something worth speaking to a Rapid Loans consultant about.

Save money with an LPG conversion

While not as good for the hip pocket as it used to be, LPG or autogas as it’s sometimes known still offers significant savings over petrol or diesel. Most cars can be covered to LPG after manufacturing, but the cost depends on the make and model as well as the LPG system installed. Expect to pay between $2,000 and $5,000 for a full conversion.

Upgrade to a whole new set of wheels

Literally! Getting a new set of top-of-the-line wheels and tyres can dramatically increase the safety and the smoothness of your ride, but they don’t come cheap. The cost of our wheels and tyres varies wildly, from a few hundred to a few thousand, but making the investment in a superior set can have a dramatic impact on your morning commute. After all, you can change your engine and change your exhaust, but it’s your wheels and tyres that are actually the thing that keeps you on the road!

Upgrade your sound system

Not getting that electrifying feeling you’re after from your favourite songs? Is your current stereo making every song sound like it’s being played from next door? Audio technology advances so quickly it’s likely that there’s a surprisingly affordable solution out there for tinny bass or bad reception. If you’re not looking for the absolute top of the range, you could get away for under $1,000 for a complete set including speakers, subwoofer and head unit. Make a small but significant investment and transform your in-car listening experience.

Get those fixes faster

Sometimes we need money for the simplest reasons. Whether you’ve been in a bingle or just noticed that things are off about your car, taking out a loan can get you back on the road sooner – essential if you rely on your vehicle to get you to work.

Interested? Speak to Rapid Loans today and find out how we could improve your morning commute.